
Partner with NI Hospice and make a meaningful impact

Every year, Northern Ireland Hospice touches the lives of over 4,000 babies, children, and young people in the heart of Northern Ireland. To keep delivering our essential care, we rely on the generous support of local businesses.

Partnering with Northern Ireland Hospice and Children's Hospice not only allows your organisation to make a real difference in your community but also showcases your commitment to corporate social responsibility.

Find Out More about business and corporate Tax Benefits!

Are you ready to create lasting change? Fill out the form.


Charity Of The Year

Unique opportunity to engage in meaningful collaboration, fundraising, and volunteering.

Key Benefits:
  • Demonstrate social responsibility
  • Team-building and collaboration
  • Boost employee morale
  • Essential financial support

Charity of the Year

Brand Association Opportunities

Enhance your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) profile and increase brand visibility.

Key Benefits:
  • Enhanced brand visibility
  • Co-branded opportunities
  • Pride in association
  • Strengthened CSR initiatives

Partnership Tiers

Long Term Relationships

Long-term partnerships enables your organisation and NI Hospice to make a lasting difference.

Key Benefits:
  • Boosts public image
  • Enhances employee morale
  • Networking opportunities
  • Creates a significant community impact

Partnership Tiers

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